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Otaro Village is located in front of Zenibako Tengu Mt. and its beautiful view can be enjoyed from every rooms. A varieties of plants and flowers grow in the yard from spring to summer. Spend a day at Zenibako sea shore for swimming and BBQ. Enjoy autumn leaves in fall and pure white thick snow in winter.

Otalo Village遍布居民区,您全年都可以在这里享受美丽的自然风光。 春天的野生植物,夏天在銭函海滩上沐浴和烧烤,秋天的落叶,冬天的纯洁白雪以及每个季节的美丽和愉悦。




Spring at Otaro Village is the time you can appreciate the joy of the awakening of the nature after the long winter.  Enjoy the colorful flowers bloom one after another as if they are singing in harmony. 

Otaro Village的春天是您经历漫长的冬天后大自然觉醒的欢乐时光。 享受七彩花朵的绽放,仿佛它们在和谐地歌唱。

長い冬の後に訪れるオタロビレッジの春は、自然の目覚めの喜びを味わうことができる時期です。 ハーモニーを奏でるように色とりどりの花が次々と咲く姿をお楽しみください。

The best pleasant summer time can be experienced in Hokkaido! There is no humidity and the heat remains within a pleasant level. Enjoy swimming in the sea which is 10 minutes drive from Otaro Village and BBQ at the sea shore or on our wood deck! 

在北海道可以享受最宜人的夏季时间! 没有湿度,热量保持在令人满意的水平内。 您可以在距离Otaro村有10分钟车程的海里游泳,也可以在海边或我们的木甲板上烧烤!






The color of golden harvest time in Otaro Village is just astonishing. From every room the beautifully colored Zenibako Tengu Mt. can be enjoyed. You must also try seasonal feast of delicious local wild grape juice and  salmon!

Otaro Village的金色收获时光令人惊讶。 每个房间都有色彩鲜艳的銭函(Zenibako)天狗山 可以享受。 您还必须尝试美味的当地野葡萄汁和鲑鱼的时令盛宴!

秋にはオタロビレッジのすべてのお部屋から美しく彩られた銭函天狗山を望むことができます。 また、地元の絶品、野ブドウジュースとサーモンの季節です。


Out of all, winter in Otaro Village is the most impressive time of the year. The thick snow covers all the creation as if white paint is pored onto the world.  Children plays forever in snow making snow man, sledging and making an igloo.

最重要的是,Otaro Village的冬季是一年中最令人难忘的时间。 厚厚的积雪覆盖了所有的创造物,仿佛白漆渗入了世界。 孩子们永远在雪地里玩耍,制作雪人,雪橇和制作冰屋。

オタロビレッジの冬は一年で最も印象的な時期です。 厚い雪に覆われた景色はまるで白い絵の具が世界に注がれてたかのよう。 子供たちは雪の中で雪だるま作り、ソリ遊び、かまくら作りができます。

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